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PhD students

Álvaro Manuel Folhas Ferreira

Álvaro Folhas is a PhD student at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Coimbra, investigating the use of Astronomy as a lever for interdisciplinarity in Science Education, being also a delegate of doctoral students on the Scientific Committee of the CITEUC (since 2022-23). He’s a member of the Editorial Board of APEduC Revista – Investigation and Practices in Education in Science, Mathematics and Technology (ISSN: 2184-7436) and a reviewer for the International Journal of Secondary Education (ISSN:2376- 7464). He is working at NUCLIO, producing teaching resources and teacher training, as well as coordinating educational projects such as the Asteroid Search campaigns for Portuguese schools.


Carla Sofia da Silva Marques

Carlos António Francisco Barata

Foco no ensino e aprendizagem das temáticas de Tectónica e Vulcanologia, com destaque para o caso de estudo do Arquipélago dos Açores, no contexto de museus e outras instituições similares, através de recursos digitais associados a tecnologia móvel.

Cristiana Filipa Pereira Francisco

Tenho a licenciatura em Física (2016) e o mestrado em Astrofísica e Instrumentação para o Espaço (2020), ambos pela UC. O meu mestrado foi feito no CITEUC com a professora Alexandra Pais e o professor Fernando Pinheiro no projeto MAG-GIC, com a minha tese intitulada "Preliminary study of the sensitivity to geomagnetic storms of the power network substations in Portugal south region". Neste momento, estou a fazer o Doutoramento em Física, na área de Astrofísica, e estou a trabalhar no projeto THOR-SR que irá voar a bordo do Space Rider da ESA, o primeiro sistema de transporte espacial reutilizável Europeu. O meu trabalho será focado na simulação de dados para comparação com a resposta dos detetores, bem como a análise dos dados obtidos em voo.

David Costa Ascenso Silva

Global survey of the fluvio-deltaic systems of Mars surface, resulting in a new data-based classification of the Martian fan-shaped deposits, namely discriminate the deposits with likely deltaic origin.

Gustavo Pereira Santiago Luís

Investigação na área de Radioatividade Natural. Presentemente investiga a assinatura de traçadores radioativos naturais para o estudo de interações no sistema atmosfera-geosfera-hidrosfera.

Hélder José Rodrigues Pereira

Hélder Pereira has a degree in Biology and Geology, and a MSc in Nature Conservation and Management (Geological Heritage and Geoconservation) from the University of Algarve, Portugal. Currently he is a predoctoral researcher at the University of Coimbra, Portugal. His research is focused on the study of the stratigraphy and vertebrate fauna from the Lower Cretaceous of the Algarve Basin (Southern Portugal).

Marco Aurélio Marques da Cunha

Trabalhando actualmente como director técnico, em Angola, numa empresa de geofísica aplicada (Geosurveys - Consultores em Geofísica, Lda.), encontra-se a preparar uma tese com o tema "A influência dos corredores de cisalhamento na arquitetura da faixa litoral entre Lucira Norte e Egito Praia, Sudoeste de Angola".
No seu dia-a-dia, lida com projectos de detecção remota, georadar, magnética e gradiometria magnética (nearshore e onshore), resistividade eléctrica, sísmica de alta resolução (nearshore e onshore), fotogrametria e LIDAR, batimetria de alta resolução (multifeixe, SSS, e backscatter).

Rute Rodrigues Santos

Rute Rodrigues dos Santos is a PhD candidate in Physics Engineering at the UC. During her MSc in Physics Engineering, R Santos contributed to the (1) development of a GIC monitoring system installed in the power transmission system operated by REN and (2) contributed to more accurate GIC simulations by studying the effect of the shield wires on the power grid model.
For her PhD, she

Sandra Rute Pires Carrapatoso Távora Poiarez

I am a PhD student in History of Science and Scientific Education, a course carried out in partnership between the University of Coimbra and the University of Aveiro. Presently, I am writing a thesis on the new Astronomical Observatory of the University of Coimbra, built on the Santa Clara hilltop, during the Estado Novo period, in order to deepen the knowledge about the implementation and programming of this unique facility in Portugal and about the activity carried out between 1933-1974 in the context of national and international scientific networks (with a scholarship from FCT UI/BD/151472/2021)

Senay Amalia Ozkaya de Juanas

Predoctoral Researcher at the University of Coimbra (Portugal) and the University of Alcalá (Spain). Senay is currently undertaking her Doctoral Thesis about Out-of-school didactic sequences based on Cretaceous Palaeontological sites of the Iberian Peninsula. She also participates in Palaeontological Research as a member of the PaleoIbérica Research Group (University of Alcalá).

Yonatan Tarazona Coronel

The PhD research will address for the first time the impacts of post-fire events and the dynamics of Land Cover and Land Use Changes (LCLUC) on regional temperature and precipitation patterns by combining several remotely sensed data such as Landsat/Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-1, GMP and SMAP, ground-truth, and artificial intelligence algorithms.