/ Quem Somos

Área - Genética - Grupo - Variação do Genoma Humano na Saúde e na Doença

Isabel Marques Carreira
Líder Grupo
Joana Barbosa de Melo
Core CV
Jorge M Saraiva
Core CV


Genomic analysis has provided research opportunities, new approaches to therapeutic development, health care and public health management. These advances allows the assessment of the predisposition to certain diseases which implies more informed clinical management and lifestyle changes.

Understanding genetic predisposition to disease and knowledge of lifestyle modifications that change the potential for a disease is necessary to make informed choices. This multidisciplinary line promotes and disseminates fundamental, translational and clinical scientific research having as main vectors the interaction environment-genome in developmental disorders, aging-related chronic diseases, and cancer.

We aim to understand the impact of genetic/epigenetic factors and environmental/microenvironment exposures on health and on the susceptibility and course of disease. An important focus is to study genotypes, transcripts, methylation markers, proteins and metabolites together with environmental risk factors and clinical information as powerful tools to understand the human variability and networks underlying diseases. This multidisciplinary approach includes study of human genome variability, identification of new biomarkers, essential for disease risk and outcome prediction, and to identify new therapeutic targets translating into clinical research.

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Estudantes PhD