BIOLOGIA CELULAR E MOLECULAR Fabiana Vanessa Almeida Soares
BIOTECNOLOGIA João Filipe da Silva Martins

Melhoramento de Arbutus unedo L.: Uso de ferramentas convencionais e biotecnológicas para obtenção de genótipos tolerantes a stress abióticos e bióticos


Ana Maria Novais Pereira
Ana Sofia dos Santos Afonso
Antónia Juliana Pais da Costa Biological Invasions, Pollution, and Climate Warming in Artemia: Ecological and Evolutionary Responses
Catarina Santos Lopes

The Physiology and Health Condition of Urban Dweller Gullis in Increasingly Urbanized Areas

Francisco Alejandro López Nuñez
Joana Sofia Costa Neves Pais de Faria Interactions Between Gulls and Humans in Urban Areas: Na Ecological and Conflict Management Perspective
Jorge Miguel Ribeiro Pereira Cory’s Shearwater as na Indicator of Human Stressors and Marine Spatial Planning in the North Atlantic
Nathalie Monteiro Almeida Tropical Seabirds as Indicators of Human Stressors and as Tools for Marine Spatial Planning in the Tropical Atlantic
Sara Isabel Carneiro Simões Stream Leaf Litter Decomposition Under Flow Intermittency
MICROBIOLOGIA Pedro Daniel Geadas Farias New Bacterial Strategies for Tellurium Bioleaching and High Value Nanoparticles Production