10 julho, 2024≈ 5 mins de leitura

Call for applications open to Portuguese Higher Education Institutions

Deadline: September 30, 2024 until 5:00 p.m. (Lisbon time).

Portuguese Higher Education Institutions (HEI) wishing to receive visiting professors from foreign universities, with a scientific curriculum of high merit and with notorious recognition in the area of the Humanities, for the development of academic activities in Portugal.

Person responsible for submitting the application:

The Professor who will be responsible for coordinating the visit, representing the proposing Portuguese HEI.

The Centre for Classical and Humanistic Studies is open to expressions of interest from foreign professors in the areas in which professors from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra teach courses and simultaneously carry out research: Classical Studies; Heritage, History and Cultures of Food; Philosophy; Music Studies.

Expressions of interest are accepted until September 1, to the email address of Professor Carmen Soares, Scientific Coordinator of CECH (

For this expression of interest we request a brief CV of the visiting Professor, as well as:

1) A brief description of the visiting professor’s academic merit, which contributes to their recognition and status as a leader in their field (200 words);

2) A brief description of how the proposed visit can contribute to the competencies of the Portuguese institution (200 words);

3) A list of the activities planned to be carried out by the visiting professor, which should include at least one seminar, one course or one intensive course.

Following this expression of interest, applicants will be notified and those chosen to apply with CECH’s support will be requested to provide the remaining elements listed below in “submission of applications”.

Grant amounts:
Monthly fee: €4000.00 + One-off support for travel and installation: €4000.00

Visiting period:
Grants are awarded directly to Visiting Professors for visits of a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 9 months. The visit must begin no later than 12 months after confirmation of selection.

Submission of applications:
Applications must be made on behalf of the Portuguese HEI, by the host Professor who will be responsible for coordinating the visit.
Applications must be submitted after registering on the My Gulbenkian Platform, by filling in the online form available on the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation website at, which specifies the information to be provided in order to complete the application, namely:

a) Name of the Professor from the Portuguese HEI responsible for the visit;
b) Letter of commitment from the host institution, signed by the director of the faculty or institute of the Portuguese HEI;
c) CV of the visiting professor;
d) Letter of commitment from the visiting professor;
e) Provisional dates of the visit;
f) A brief description of the visiting professor’s academic merit, which contributes to their recognition and status as a leader in their field (200 words);
g) A brief description of how the proposed visit can contribute to the competencies of the Portuguese institution (200 words);
h) A list of the activities planned to be carried out by the visiting professor, which should include at least one seminar, one course or one intensive course.

The results will be communicated to applicants no later than 90 days after the close of applications, via the MyGulbenkian platform.

Selection criteria:
a) academic merit of the visitor's research and/or teaching;
b) potential to make a substantial contribution to the competencies of the Portuguese institution;
c) specificity and systematization of the program proposed for the visit.

Collaborative research alone is not a selection factor. Emphasis should be placed on the dissemination and sharing of skills and knowledge that will be valuable to the host institution.

Responsibilities of the host institution:
a) ensure the organization of the necessary host conditions, particularly with regard to academic guidance and logistical support;
b) submit a brief report describing the visit within one month of its conclusion;
c) the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s support must be acknowledged in any communications and publications that are a direct result of the visit;
d) ensure the organization of a public lecture by the visitor called “Gulbenkian Lecture in the Humanities”.

More information (in Portuguese):
