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Português Língua Estrangeira A1 (PLEA1)

Organic Unit Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FLUC)

Course Type Non-degree course

Type of teaching Distance Learning

Language of instruction Portuguese

Edition 3

Duration 108 hours

Number of ECTS 4

Accreditation N/A

Tuition fee 250€

Datas importantes

Data de Início 19.10.2023

Data de Fim 12.02.2024

Candidatura até 11.09.2023

Como candidatar

Important Dates

Start date 19.10.2023

End date 12.02.2024

Application deadlines 11.09.2023

How to apply


This online 108 hours course is divided into 9 thematic units (preceded by a familiarization unit) including activities for the development of reading, writing, speaking and listening skills, for creating awareness of semantic and formal relationships between words, and for learning grammatical structures. Students are expected to occupy 6 to 8 hours a week with course activities, working both autonomously (reading, listening and completing the tasks included in each unit), and assisted by an instructor (oral and written interaction).

Notice of Opening:


Target audience

Foreign students interested in attaining a breakthrough level in Portuguese (level A1).

Differentiating characteristics of the course

The course is offered by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, the only institution with more than nine decades of experience in teaching Portuguese as a Foreign Language.

Fully operating online, this course is accessible to students anywhere in the world who want to start to learn Portuguese.

Learning goals

The training provided in this course is adequate for foreign students interested in attaining a breakthrough level in Portuguese. Besides developing the skills required for communicating in Portuguese, by using simple structures and basic vocabulary aimed at the satisfaction of concrete needs, the course also promotes an understanding of the Portuguese reality and culture.


The course is organized in 9 thematic units:

  1. Personal information and description
  2. House and home, environment
  3. Food and drink
  4. Daily life
  5. Free time, entertainment
  6. Travel
  7. Shopping
  8. Services
  9. Health and body care

Grammatical syllabus:

1. Word classes (formal and semantic aspects)

  • Verb: present, past, and imperfect tenses of the indicative mood; imperative (affirmative); impersonal infinitive; periphrasis with the infinitive
  • Noun
  • Adjective
  • Determiner: article (definite and indefinite), demonstrative, and possessive
  • Pronoun: personal (subject, reflexive, indirect object and with preposition), demonstrative, possessive, and interrogative
  • Adverb
  • Preposition-determiner contractions

2. Syntax

  • Agreement
  • Unmarked syntactic orders
  • Negative and interrogative sentences
  • Simple and complex sentences: coordinate and subordinate clauses using the indicative and infinitive moods (causal; temporal; final; complement)

3. Vocabulary

  • Word formation: derivation
  • Semantic relations
  • Collocations

Teaching Methodologies

The online course draws mainly on an active method of teaching and learning, providing students with relevant linguistic input and with language production opportunities, both oral and written, with corrective feedback. When presenting grammatical topics, the expository method will also be used.

Communication is mostly asynchronous, with occasional synchronous sessions via videoconference (optional). The synchronous sessions schedule will be informed at the beginning of the course.


Assessment is continuous and based on formative and summative activities of distinct typologies (questionnaires with immediate feedback, participation in forums and wikis, file submission).

Every thematic unit will include formative activities.

5 summative evaluation activities will take place during:

  1. the second thematic unit (20% of the final grade);
  2. the fourth thematic unit (20%);
  3. the sixth thematic unit (20%);
  4. the eighth thematic unit (20%);
  5. the ninth thematic unit (20%).

The summative evaluation activities will require oral and written productive and receptive language skills.


Students who pass the course may request a certificate issued by the University of Coimbra. Fees will apply. More information at https://www.uc.pt/academicos/propinas/emolumento.


Cristina dos Santos Pereira Martins

Associate Professor at the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra (FLUC), she holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics from the same university (2004). Cristina Martins has developed research in the areas of bilingualism and language contact, L2 acquisition/learning, metalinguistic development, psycholinguistic processing and neuropsychological assessment. She has taught Portuguese, both as L1 and as L2, L2 Acquisition and Learning, Psycholinguistics, Linguistics Applied to Language Teaching, Phonetics, Phonology and Morphology of Portuguese. She is the director of the Master’s program in Portuguese as a Second and Foreign Language and was co-director of the Portuguese Foreign Language Courses at FLUC (2015-2018). Between 2007 and 2009, she was scientific coordinator of the Center for the Study of General and Applied Linguistics (CELGA). She is the coordinator, teacher and author of the e-learning course Learning and Teaching Portuguese as a Non-Native Language, by the University of Coimbra (17 editions).

Isabel Maria de Almeida Santos

Assistant Professor at the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, Isabel Santos holds a PhD in Portuguese Linguistics from the same university, with the thesis Norm and codification. The Portuguese linguistic-grammatical production (2006). She has developed research primarily in the areas of linguistic variation and change, grammatical historiography and the acquisition / learning of Portuguese as a non-native language. As part of his teaching activities (undergraduate, Master’s and PhD), she has taught Portuguese linguistics (phonetics, phonology, morphology, linguistic variation and history of the language) and language and oral communication in the Portuguese as a Foreign Language courses at FLUC.
She is co-director of the Masters in Portuguese as a Foreign Language and Second Language and is a member of the Center for the Study of General and Applied Linguistics (CELGA-ILTEC).

Maria da Conceição Carapinha Rodrigues

PhD in Portuguese Linguistics, with the thesis Contributions to the Analysis of Legal Language and Verbal Interaction in the Court Room (2006), Conceição Carapinha is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Coimbra. She is a researcher at CELGA-ILTEC and has developed research in the areas of Legal Linguistics, Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis and Textual Linguistics, as well as Translation. She teaches subjects on Portuguese, mainly related to linguistic uses, and is also a lecturer in the Annual Course of Portuguese Language and Culture for Foreigners. She is co-director of the Master’s in Portuguese Teaching in the 3rd cycle of Basic Education and in Secondary Education. Between 2011 and 2013 she was scientific coordinator of the Center for the Study of General and Applied Linguistics (CELGA).

Tânia Santos Ferreira

Researcher at the Center for General and Applied Linguistics (CELGA-ILTEC), Tânia Ferreira holds a PhD in Portuguese Linguistics: Research and Teaching from the same university with the thesis Acquisition/learning of the nominal gender attribution system in Portuguese as a Non-native Language. She has a special interest in the field of Applied Linguistics to the Teaching of Portuguese as a non-native language, participating in research projects developed at CELGA-ILTEC. Between 2013 and 2015, she taught Portuguese as a non-native language in Beijing, at the University of Economics and International Business, and from 2017 to 2021 at FLUC.

Carla Sofia da Silva Ferreira

Guest Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Coimbra, Carla Ferreira holds a PhD in Portuguese Linguistics: Research and Teaching from the same university with the thesis Uses of the Double Past Participle in Contemporary European Portuguese: patterns of variation in a school population sample (2012). She teaches Portuguese as a non-native language (PNNL) and Portuguese Linguistics. She has carried out research on linguistic variation, perceptual dialectology, historical linguistics and acquisition of PNNL. She is a researcher at CELGA-ILTEC (Centre for the Study of General and Applied Linguistics), and has experience in creating didactic and pedagogical materials for teaching PNNL.

Sara Margarida dos Santos Feio de Sousa

Guest Assistant Professor at the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, Sara Sousa holds a PhD in Portuguese: Research and Teaching from the same university with the thesis Contributions to the study of refutation in contemporary European Portuguese. She has developed research in the areas of Semantics, Pragmatics, Translation and Applied Linguistics to the Teaching of Portuguese as a non-native language. She teaches at the Portuguese for Foreigners courses at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra since 2003. She is also a researcher at CELGA-ILTEC.

Sara Topete de Oliveira Pita

Sara Pita holds a PhD in Linguistics from the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the New University of Lisbon with the thesis Textual Ethos in Political Interventions: Contrasting Study of Portuguese and Brazilian Year-End Messages (2016), a Master’s degree in Multimedia in Education from the University of Aveiro (2009) and a degree in Portuguese, Latin and Greek from the University of Aveiro (2006). She is a guest professor at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra since 2017, teaching Portuguese as a Non-native language. At the University of Aveiro, she teaches Portuguese language subjects that are part of the curriculum of undergraduate courses. She has carried out research in Portuguese Linguistics, in the areas of L2 acquisition/learning, text linguistics, and text and discourse analysis. She is a researcher at CELGA-ILTEC (Center for General and Applied Linguistics Studies) and at CLLC (Center for Languages, Literatures and Cultures) at the University of Aveiro.

Ana Isabel Guerra

Guest Assistant at the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra (FLUC), she holds a master’s degree in Linguistics – Research and Teaching from the same university with the dissertation Processing morphological complex words – State of affairs. Ana Isabel Guerra is currently developing, in the PHD in Linguistics of Portuguese in the same university, the thesis: Difficulties of morphosyntactic representation in written productions of Portuguese students. She teaches at the Portuguese for foreigners’ courses at FLUC. At Coimbra Education School, she has taught Oral and written Communication in Portuguese and Portuguese Language I (Morphology and Syntax). Ana Isabel Guerra is a collaborating member of CELGA – ILTEC (Center for the Study of General and Applied Linguistics).

Admission Requirements