University of Coimbra confers Honoris Causa degree to José Maria Peiró

The new Honorary Doctor of the University of Coimbra views the distinction as "a motivation to continue collaborating with colleagues".

12 april, 2023≈ 3 min read

© UC | Paulo Amaral

José Maria Peiró, Full Professor of Organisational Psychology at the University of Valencia (Spain), will receive an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Coimbra (UC) on the 12th of April, under the proposal of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the UC (FPCUC). The ceremony will be held at 10.30am, at the Great Hall of Acts (Sala dos Capelos).

The conferral of the degree to the Spanish university professor is due to his "undisputed merit and international recognition" in the area of Psychology - in particular Work and Organizational Psychology, a field of knowledge acknowledged for the first time with an Honorary Doctorate at the University of Coimbra.

“Doctor José Maria Peiró's intense research activity addresses central problems in our society, such as youth unemployment, sustainable well-being and the claim for decent work, the study of professional skills towards a world that respects the environment and is sustainable in the long term, tackling the challenges of climate change and taking into account the United Nations Development Goals", refers the FPCEUC proposal.

The ceremony will be broadcast live at

The list of Honoraris Causa degrees awarded by the University of Coimbra is available here.

José Maria Peiró Silla is Full Professor of Organizational Psychology at the University of Valencia since 1981. He founded the "Research Institute of Personnel Psychology, Organizational Development and Quality of Working Life (IDOCAL)", where he served as Director from 2009 to 2018. He was Dean of the Faculty of Psychology (1993-1999) and Director of the "Observatorio de Inserción Profesional y Asesoramiento Laboral" (OPAL, 2003-2009) at the University of Valencia.

His curriculum includes over 200 publications in scientific journals and about 30 books and monographs. He holds three Honorary Doctorates: University of Maastricht (Netherlands), University of Elche (Spain) and Methodist University of São Paulo (Brazil). Under the Leonardo Da Vinci Project, he was responsible for the first draft of the European Diploma in Psychology (2001-2003). Later, in the Task Force of the European Federation of Psychologists' Associations (EFPA), he implemented the award of the EuroPsy Certificate, and was a member of the European Award Committee (2009-2015).

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