UC launches "Founding Inspiring Futures" award for women researchers in ICT

Applications are open until the 2nd of July.

Sara Machado - FCTUC
11 june, 2024≈ 2 min read

The Department of Informatics (DEI) of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra (FCTUC) is organising the "Founding Inspiring Futures" Award (FIF 2024) as part of the "Inspira-Balance" project, dedicated to promoting gender balance in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).

With institutional support from the University of Coimbra and funding from the "First Foundation Project" promoted by Feedzai, this national initiative aims to recognise, give visibility and reward projects created and led by women in ICT, whether in academia or the business sector in Portugal.

A total of six projects (three academic and three entrepreneurial) will be awarded at FIF 2024. The winners will receive FNAC vouchers worth €500 (1st prize), €250 (2nd prize) and €150 (3rd prize). Entries can be submitted here until 2 July.

Applicants need to submit the application and consent form, a video of up to two minutes explaining the project, and a written description of up to 1000 words. Find out more about the award here.