Specialised Training Course in Quantum Computing and Technologies

The training is aimed at students, researchers, teachers, business people and public sector decision-makers and takes place after work hours. Applications are open until the 19th of July.

18 june, 2024≈ 2 min read

As candidaturas já estão abertas

© DR

Applications for the Specialised Training Course in Quantum Computing and Technologies are open until the 19th of July.

The course will include initial university training in the topic, and advanced training in case studies of quantum computing and technology, with a variety of training sessions adapted to different target groups (students, researchers and teachers affiliated with the university, members of the business community, decision-makers in the public sector), in after-work hours.

The course involves professors from five departments of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra (FCTUC), as well as external national and international collaborators.

The course aims to train current and future professionals in an emerging field of national and international strategic interest by providing advanced university-level training in computing and quantum technologies, organised by the University of Coimbra in collaboration with IBM Portuguesa and Softinsa.

In addition to general knowledge of quantum computing and technologies, the course aims to develop skills in case studies using IBM quantum computers and emulation in a High-Performance Computing (HPC) environment.

The case studies in the course cover a wide range of topics, including optimisation, artificial intelligence, machine learning, encryption and materials science, and are targeted at different audiences, including university students and companies.

Check all relevant info here.