Debate on food safety: 'Safe, nutritious and healthy food'

Food safety is one of the major challenges of this century. The UC Social Services and the Faculty of Pharmacy are organising a seminar on "The New Challenges of Food Safety" on 18 June. Registration is now open.

Marta Costa
Karine Paniza
Diana Taborda (EN transl.)
05 june, 2024≈ 3 min read

© UC | Marta Costa

What do we think of when we talk about food safety?
Rui Rio, veterinarian in charge of hygiene and health inspection at SASUC, explains that "food safety is more than just providing safe food, we can say it is providing 'safe, nutritious and healthy food' in a consistent way over time, from the time we receive the ingredients to the menu planning and meal preparation".

All this is done through laboratory testing, analysis, and monitoring in the catering units, where "temperature, oil, and refrigeration are constantly measured. The challenges of food safety are always changing and require continuous adaptation," says Rui Rio, and that is why SASUC and the UC Faculty of Pharmacy (FFUC) are co-hosting the seminar 'New Challenges in Food Safety' [Os novos desafios da Segurança Alimentar] on the 18th of June at FFUC.

The seminar, which will be held in Portuguese at the UC Faculty of Pharmacy, will focus not only on food safety, but also on "the sustainability of food, the mitigation of new risks, new trends in food, innovation and the role of industry". It is open to anyone interested in the topic and registration is open until the 10th of June.

Students of the UC Master's in Food Safety and the Master's in Herbal Medicines and Food Supplements can register free of charge and discounts are available for students of other courses and academic institutions.

The programme, information and registration are available at