CNC-UC and the Portuguese Fertility Association launch children's book on (in)fertility

The illustrated book "Essa (não) é uma pergunta fácil" will be presented at the Lisbon Book Fair on Saturday 1 June at 11 a.m., and will be available in bookshops afterward.

27 may, 2024≈ 4 min read

The book was written and illustrated by CNC-UC researchers Sandra Amaral and Ana Vasconcelos.

© DR

Essa (não) é uma pergunta fácil [That's (not) an easy question] is the title of the illustrated book on (in)fertility that will be presented at the Lisbon Book Fair (Pavilion G02, South Auditorium) on Saturday the 1st of June at 11 am.

The book, published by Alfarroba and available in bookshops following its official launch, focuses on concepts related to reproduction and fertility, exploring their biological and social dimensions through a conversation between a mother and her child. This project is part of the health literacy and science communication programme of the Centre for Neuroscience and Cell Biology of the University of Coimbra (CNC-UC).

The author, Sandra Amaral, is a researcher at the CNC-UC with a specialisation in (male) infertility. The book is the result of her great motivation and desire to teach children about issues such as these, which have a huge social impact.

For Sandra Amaral, the challenge arose "after developing different activities with children to explain where babies come from, I noticed that there were always questions and doubts. The idea of creating a children's book, as a tool to promote reproductive health literacy was somewhat natural. In my work as a scientist, where I see communicating science as a mission, I particularly enjoy doing it with children, an audience where I feel I can make a difference. I am very pleased when I leave a session with children and hear them call the reproductive cells by the right name. These are small steps, but in these audiences, these steps shape future actions. I am very pleased when I leave a session with children and hear them call the reproductive cells by the right name. These are small steps, but in these audiences, these steps shape future actions. I was lucky enough to meet Ana (Vasconcelos) while I was working on this idea. She masterfully complemented my words with beautiful illustrations".

Ana Vasconcelos, the book's illustrator - who is also a scientist, and a PhD student at the CNC-UC -, says that "it was a very challenging, but above all, exciting project. My main concern was that the illustrations should be scientifically rigorous and, of course, they should be appealing and respond to children's curiosity".

This book has been produced with the support of the Portuguese Fertility Society (APF). Cláudia Vieira, APF President, says: "Explaining fertility or infertility - which affects thousands of women and men - to adults can sometimes be complicated, so explaining it to children requires a different ability to communicate clearly and simply. We think that's what Sandra Amaral and Ana Vasconcelos have accomplished with this book. Health literacy is of vital importance. Health literacy is vital and it's important to start early with children and young people, so, books like this are invaluable in providing information about how a baby is conceived, as well as raising awareness of the issues that can arise when thinking about having a child. It's a great help for parents, carers and teachers.

Translation: Diana Taborda