A lot of emotion at the 'Queima das Fitas' 2024 parade

A total of 102 floats took part in this unique Coimbra student tradition.

Marta Costa
Karine Paniza
27 may, 2024≈ 3 min read

© UC | Marta Costa

The uptown campus of the University of Coimbra was already buzzing with excitement, even though it wasn't even 9 a.m. The floats, decorated with flowers in the colours of Coimbra's faculties and colleges, were getting ready to leave for the city centre at 2 pm. A long queue formed in front of the New Cathedral for the 'Grelo Burning', a tradition that many didn't want to miss before releasing their wide ribbons. The Queima das Fitas Parade 2024 [Burning of the Ribbons], considered the highlight of Coimbra's student celebrations, began at 2 pm on Sunday, 26 May.

The head of the University of Coimbra's Veterans' Council explains that "the parade is not at all a big collective bohemian event. It is above all a celebration of academic merit," argues Dux Veteranorum Matias Correia. "The students' ribbons are their badges of merit". That's why "there's a certain ceremonial and formal element to what it means to take part in the parade, and that is to release the ribbons".

Hugo Gonçalves proudly wore the top hat in the colours of the UC Faculty of Sports Sciences and Physical Education. "This is the end of my studies in Coimbra and it's a mixture of emotions," he said. "I'm happy to have made it to the end, but also quite sad that it's over. It's a unique experience and I would like all students to have the opportunity to wear the top hat one day".
There were 102 floats in the parade from the University to the Polytechnic. In the 125th anniversary of the Queima das Fitas, the Dux Veteranorum hopes it will be remembered as "a historic parade to mark the already historic Queima das Fitas".

Check out more about this unique Coimbra student tradition here.