Pandemic and Academia at Home: What effects on teaching, research and careers? (March 31, FPCE-UC)

28 march, 2022≈ 2 min read

On March 31, at 5.30 pm, the session "Pandemic and Academia at Home: What effects on teaching, research and careers?" takes place in the Auditorium of building 1 of the FPCEUC. In the session (in person), researchers Virgínia Ferreira (FEUC/CES), Cristina C. Vieira (FPCEUC/CEAD, UAlg), Mónica Lopes (CES), and Caynnã Santos (CES) will present the results of a national study with 1,750 professors and researchers from universities and polytechnic education institutions. The project was funded by FCT under the GENDER RESEARCH 4 COVID-19 financing modality.