FCT "Women in Science" - 26 may - UBI

25 may, 2022≈ 2 min read

The next scientific conference of the program to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the FCT will take place at the University of Beira Interior (UBI), in Covilhã, and will be entitled "As Mulheres na Ciência". The session will take place in the "Anfiteatro das Sessões Solenes" in Campus I of UBI, on the 26th of May, between 2 pm and 6 pm. Participation is free, but requires prior registration, and the event will be in person and online. The program is available here.

On the FCT 25th anniversary celebrations page, videos of sessions already held within the scope of the program are available, namely on the following topics: "25 years of FCT in Science: Opportunities and Challenges", "Advanced Training and PhDs", "Employment Science and Scientific Careers” and “Scientific Institutions”.