
5 available services

Training in Cytogenetics and Genomics

Annual 5-day course divided into theoretical, theoretical-practical sessions and 6 practical workshops, with the aim of addressing the evolution from cytogenetics to genomics, both in pre- and postnatal diagnosis and in research and forensic medicine

Study of the mitochondrial genome

Allows identification of alterations in mitochondrial DNA, which may elucidate disease and bioenergetics dysfunction. Mitochondrial biology and pathophysiology is a complex field of research, which may help to answer a broad range of questions.

Study of the nuclear genome

Sequencing of whole nuclear exome or individual genes (in familial/trio or individual), including bioinformatics analysis for pathogenicity evaluation. Confirmation of specific mutations.

Theranostics Studies in Precision Medicine

Study of genes associated to pharmacogenomics. Study of biochemical biomarkers, like those associated to wellness.

Bioinformatic Services

Whole genome analysis | Phylogenomic analysis