European Campus of City-Universities - EC2U

The European Campus of City-Universities (EC2U) is a multi-cultural and multi-lingual Alliance created in 2018, consisting of seven long-standing, education- and research-led, locally and globally engaged universities from four diverse regions of the European Union: the University of Coimbra, the University of Iasi, the University of Jena, the University of Pavia, the University of Poitiers (Coordinator), the University of Salamanca and the University of Turku.

It represents a community of 160 000 students and 20 000 staff, in direct reach to more than 1 600 000 citizens.

The Alliance’s ambition is to develop an innovative space allowing mobility to flow freely between the seven universities and associated cities. This model of openness will contribute to overcome clichéd views of regional and national identities and achieve a united and stronger Europe.

The Alliance will reach this ambition by creating a pan-European campus, connected by the common European identity, contributing to the creation of a smart higher education eco-system through a new model of quality education for an inclusive civic society.

Check the first presentation of the EC2U Alliance here.

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