Sciever Talks - Science for everyone talks are informal talks with researchers from the University of Coimbra (UC) promoted by iiiUC and supported by Rómulo de Carvalho for students from the Senior Universities of the Coimbra region. In these talks will be discussed relevant topics about the research done at the UC, such as Healthy Aging, Sustainability, Equality and Diversity.

In this initiative the following researchers will be involved:

Albertina Lima de Oliveira

Title of Sciever Talk: Healthy aging and longevity: The valuable contribution of mindfulness

Abstract of Sciever Talk: Recent scientific research has shown that the human brain is endowed with great plasticity and that it is possible, through systematic training, to improve health, quality of life, and to slow down the aging process in all people, including the elderly. Contributing to these results are mindfulness practices, which are revolutionizing the way we live, learn, educate, and socialize in society, with the strong support and validation of rigorous neuroscience research techniques. Mindfulness training activates synaptogenesis and neurogenesis processes in the human brain, calls for a reconceptualization of the perspective on the human, and the need for a person to experience more often the so-called BEING mode of mind rather than the predominant DOING mode. This presentation will present data from the most recent research on the valuable contribution of mindfulness to improve the quality of life and well-being of all people, and the implications in the aging process. The audience will also be invited to participate in a mindfulness practice with respective sharing, comments and joint reflections.

Cristina Canhoto

Title of Sciever Talk: Why are dry leaves important for the water quality of our rivers?

Abstract of Sciever Talk: We live in a time where water scarcity and reduced water quality are global facts. The diversity associated with freshwater ecosystems has collapsed in recent decades. It is therefore more important than ever to understand these ecosystems in order to protect them. in this informal talk we will look at our streams and rivers, the organisms that live there, how they relate to each other, how they provide us with quality water, how they ensure our lives... What can be done to protect our waterways from anthropogenic threats such as rising water temperatures, drought, salinization, "eucalyptization"...? Could the dried leaves from our forests be the "primordial solution"?

Vilma Sardão

Title of Sciever Talk: Osteoporosis: Mechanisms, diagnosis and forms of treatment

Abstract of Sciever Talk: Osteoporosis is a chronic asymptomatic disease characterized by bone density loss and structural deterioration of the bone. Although it can affect both men and women, in the latter the loss of bone density is more abrupt especially during the first 5-10 years after menopause. During this informal conversation we will thus address the mechanisms responsible for the onset of this disease, the role of estrogen in its development and forms of diagnosis and prevention currently available.

Senior Universities of the Coimbra region that will participate in the initiative:

Associação iCreate

Senior University of Vila Nova de Poiares

Researcher responsible for Sciever Talk: Albertina Lima de Oliveira | CEIS20, FPCEUC

Title of Sciever Talk: Healthy aging and longevity: The valuable contribution of mindfulness

Associação Viver em Alegria

Senior University of Figueira da Foz

Researcher responsible for Sciever Talk: Cristina Canhoto | CFE, UC

Title of Sciever Talk: Why are dry leaves important for the water quality of our rivers?


Senior University of Coimbra

Researcher responsible for Sciever Talk: Vilma Sardão | MIA, CNC

Title of Sciever Talk: Osteoporosis: Mechanisms, diagnosis and forms of treatment