The European Researchers' Night (ERN) 2022 and 2023 includes the Researchers@Schools Program in which Schools of the Coimbra region are invited to receive researchers from the University of Coimbra (UC) and together develop small research projects on topics related to Inclusion and/or Sustainability. All schools inserted in this program are denominated SCIEVER Schools. With this initiative, students have the opportunity to experience research guided by UC researchers.

The research projects and their teams will be presented during the "Science Route" of the Coimbra ERN 2022; developed during the academic year 2022/2023 and the results and conclusions presented at Coimbra ERN 2023. The projects will be evaluated by a jury composed of researchers from the University of Coimbra and teachers from SCIEVER Schools.

The winning students of the best project, more aligned with Equality, Equity and Diversity values, will have the opportunity to do a research internship at UC.

There are six schools in the region of Coimbra involved in the Researchers@Schools Program:


Agrupamento de Escolas Rainha Santa Isabel

Escola Básica 2,3 de Taveiro

Escola EB 2,3 Inês de Castro

Escola Secundária de Avelar Brotero

Escola Secundária D. Duarte

Escola Secundária Infanta Dona Maria


Recuperação de água e economia circular | Water Recovery and Circular Economy

Título do Projeto: Recuperação de água e economia circular

Investigador responsável: Rui Martins | Grupo de investigação Ambiente, Reação, Separação e Termodinâmica (GERST)

Unidade I&D: CIEPQPF, Universidade de Coimbra

Mais informações aqui.

Escola: Agrupamento de Escolas Rainha Santa Isabel


27/09/2022 Apresentação de projeto de investigação nas escolas
30/09/2022 Participação na Noite Europeia dos Investigadores 2022 na Baixa de Coimbra
01/03/2023 Visita das estudantes ao Departamento de Engenharia Química

Dados do Espaço e Observação do Sol e desafios da sustentabilidade do planeta | Space Data and Sun Observation and Sustainability Challenges of the Planet

Title of the Project: Space Data and Sun Observation and Sustainability Challenges of the Planet

Responsible Investigator: Ricardo Gafeira

R&D Unit: Institute for Astrophysics and Space Sciences.

More information here.

A Química dá resposta aos desafios da sustentabilidade | Chemistry responds to the challenges of sustainability

Title of the Project to be developed: Chemistry responds to the challenges of sustainability

Responsible Researcher: Marta Piñeiro Gómez | Organic Chemistry Group of the Coimbra Chemistry Center (CQC) of the University of Coimbra. More information here.

Biorrefinaria das cores: por um mundo mais sustentável e colorido | Color Biorefinery: for a more sustainable and colorful world

Title of the Project to be developed: Color Biorefinery: for a more sustainable and colorful world

Responsible Researcher: Jorge Pereira | Particles, Polymers and Biomaterials Technology (PPB) of the University of Coimbra. More information here.

A Química dá resposta aos desafios da sustentabilidade | Chemistry responds to the challenges of sustainability

Title of the Project: Chemistry responds to the challenges of sustainability

Responsible Researcher: Marta Piñeiro Gómez | Organic Chemistry Group of the Coimbra Chemistry Center (CQC) of the University of Coimbra. More information here.

Dados da Observação da Terra e desafios da sustentabilidade do planeta | Earth Observation data and challenges for the planet's sustainability

Title of the Project to be developed: Earth Observation data and challenges for the planet's sustainability

Responsible Researcher: Vasco Mantas | Director at Earth Observation Laboratory (EOLab). More information here.