/ The Institute / Governing Organs / Scientific Council

Specialised Commissions

In order to facilitate the development of IIIUC's activities, the Scientific Council is organised in the following Specialised Commissions:

Communication of Science


  • Prepare Proposal for a Science Communication Plan;
  • Stimulate Training in Science Communication;
  • Mapping Research in Knowledge/Science Communication;
  • Reflection on the dissemination of IIIUC activities;
  • Promote interdisciplinary debates.


  • Alexandre Soveral Martins
  • Cristina Canhoto
  • João Rui Pita
  • Luis Rama
  • Manuel Gameiro da Silva
  • Marcela Matos
  • Marta Araújo
  • Miguel Castelo Branco
  • Susana Aires de Sousa

Resource Management


  • Promote the mapping of Researchers with or without formal link to the UC;
  • Propose ways of mapping and profiting from the use of equipment in the UC;
  • Develop a proposal for Mentoring and Career Development for researchers;
  • Evaluate the contracted researchers.


  • Cristina Padez
  • José Augusto Ferreira
  • Marta Cardoso de Oliveira
  • Miguel Castelo-Branco
  • Óscar Lourenço
  • Paula Alexandra Silva
  • Sílvia Barbeiro

Interdisciplinary Crossroads


  • Revisit, when and if necessary, the concept of Interdisciplinarity;
  • Map Interdisciplinary Initiatives (formal and non-formal) taking place in the UC;
  • To welcome, promote and stimulate Interdisciplinary Initiatives at IIIUC.


  • Ana Maria Teixeira
  • Ana Marta Gonçalves
  • Cristina Padez
  • Ernesto Costa
  • Joana Costa
  • João Malva
  • Lino Marques
  • Luis Godinho
  • Luis Rama
  • Luísa Trindade
  • Marta Araújo
  • Susana Aires de Sousa

Advanced Training


  • Map the UC's training offer in soft skills for PhD students and identify the needs;
  • Promote the offer of courses/modules in soft skills for PhD students (innovative, with internationalization);
  • Promote offering courses/modules/seminars on soft skills in research for teachers/researchers/supervisors
  • Stimulating the Week dedicated to PhD Programs at the UC;
  • Evaluation of issues related to the courses hosted at IIIUC or new courses (3rd cycle and non-degree granting);
  • Promotion of the internationalization of advanced training.


  • Ana Margarida Gaudêncio
  • Ana Marta Gonçalves
  • Joana Costa
  • João Malva
  • João Rui Pita
  • José Augusto Ferreira
  • Lino Marques
  • Luís Godinho
  • Marta Cardoso de Oliveira
  • Paula Alexandra Silva
  • Sílvia Barbeiro

Click here to know more about the Specialized Commissions