Amílcar Falcão
Rector of University of Coimbra

Amílcar Falcão received his bachelor degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences (1989), his Doctorate (1995) and Aggregation from the University of Coimbra, where he is a Full Professor since 2007. He is the Technical Director of the company ICNAS Produção (a company owned 100% by the University of Coimbra). He is the actual rector of the University of Coimbra.

Céu Mateus
Lancaster University

Céu Mateus is Professor of Health Economics in the Division of Health Research at Lancaster University, United Kingdom. She holds a PhD in Public Health-Health Economics from the National School of Public Health, Nova University of Lisbon, Portugal. She is the current President of the Portuguese Health Economics Association.

Chris Sainty
British Ambassador to Portugal

Chris Sainty took up his appointment as Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Portugal in September 2018. A career diplomat, he brings experience from a number of Foreign Office Departments as well as overseas postings in India, Pakistan, Spain and the Netherlands. Chris has spent much of his career working on European Union issues: he headed the Foreign & Commonwealth Office team responsible for the organisation of the UK’s presidency of the EU in 2005.

Cláudia Cavadas
Vice Rector for Research of University of Coimbra

Cláudia Cavadas received a bachelor Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Coimbra (1991), Masters’ Degree in Cellular Biology, Doctorate in Pharmacy, specialty of Pharmacology, from the University of Coimbra. From 1998 to 2001, she carried out her Ph.D. thesis research work at the Centre Hopitalier Vaudois, University of Lausanne, Switzerland.
She is Vice-rector for Research and Director of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research of the UC.

Diana Breda
Chair of Administration Board | Hospital Arcebispo João Crisóstomo

Diana Breda is a Healthcare Manager and CEO of Hospital Arcebispo João Crisóstomo (Cantanhede, Portugal). She is the Co-founder of the Portuguese Chapter of Women in Global Health, a movement designed to promote the leadership of women in the area of Global Health. During the last few years she was the Director of the international department of the Coimbra University and Hospital Centre, and European Reference Networks and M8 Alliance representative.

Ageing@Coimbra Project Coordinator

João Malva is the Scientific Coordinator, Ageing@Coimbra - European Reference Site for Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP-AHA) and Professor of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra. He is also Coordinator of the Ageing@EITHealth PhD School.

João Pedro de Magalhães
University of Liverpool

João Pedro de Magalhães is a Portuguese scientist. He study aging process and how we can manipulate it to fend off age-related diseases and improve human health. Following training in genetics at Harvard Medical School, he is now a Professor at the University of Liverpool in England.

Lefkos Middleton
Imperial College of London

Lefkos Middleton holds the chair of Neurology within the Ageing Epidemiology (AGE) Research Unit at the School of Public Health. He is, also, Honorary Consultant with the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust Hospitals. He obtained a Medical Doctorate Degree and the French National Board in Neurology. He is the principal investigator (PI) of the CHARIOT Register, one of the world’s largest volunteer registers for the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and ageing (>40,000 participants).

John Mathers
Healthy Ageing by Design
Jorge Figueira
Coordinator of R&D International Networks | University of Coimbra

Jorge Figueira is the Coordinator of R&D; International Networks at the University of Coimbra since 2020. He is also involved in several EITHealth activities since 2016 and member of EITHealth Innostars Supervisory Board.

Pedro Teixeira
Development | Kinetikos

Kinetikos Health is a digital health company revolutionising the standard of care for Movement Disorders. They have designed a continuum and person-centered integrated solution for Parkinson's Disease people which instantly translates patient's movement data into clinical insight for an objective, accurate and remote support in clinical decisions and treatment plans.

Rowan Wilson
1st Secretary British Embassy

Rowan Wilson is the First Secretary Political at the British Embassy in Lisbon, where he leads on COVID and health policy issues. He has previously worked on EU, UN and human rights issues. Prior to his arrival in Portugal in 2019, Rowan was posted to Mexico City.

Sarah Harper
University of Oxford

Sarah is Professor of Gerontology at the University of Oxford, a Fellow at University College, and the Founding Director of the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing. She currently directs the Oxford Programme on Fertility, Education and Environment (OxFEE) and is Co-PI on the DAI@Oxford Programme. Sarah served on the Prime Minister’s Council for Science and Technology. She is currently a Director of the UK Research Integrity Office and a member of the Board of Health Data Research UK.

Andy Cripps
Design Age Institute

Andy Cripps is Senior Design Manager, Design Age Institute, Helen Hamlyn Centre, Royal College of Art, London. Andy has over 20 years of experience as a design strategist, design manager/director and innovation catalyst.