/ Initiatives / Destiiinations

Digital, Industry and Space in Horizon Europe

The second session of Destiiiinations is here! It will take place the 27th of November, 10-11:30 am WET.

This initiative, promoted by the Strategic Areas of the Institute of Interdisciplinary Research, we will present Cluster 4 - Digital, Industry and Space in the scope of Horizon Europe, the next framework dedicated to R&D in the European Union, as well as the European Programmes dedicates to Digital and Space.

In this session, our speaker will briefly give: (i) their first-hand experience of participating/coordinating european consortia; (ii) a presentation of the funding opportunities for research planned in Horizon Europe, the Digital Europe Programme and the Space Europe Programme; and (iii) an overview of the support given by the UC to applications and establishment of partnerships at the european level.

The program for this Destinatiiinations is as follows:

10am – Welcome to Destiiinations

Cláudia Cavadas

10:05 am - Future Emerging Technologies in the First Person

Goreti Sales

10:15 am – [being updated]

Vasco Mantas

10:20 am - Pilar II (Cluster 4) of Horizon Europe

Sofia Azevedo

10:35 am- Space Europe Programme

Joan Alabart

10:50 am - Digital Europe Programme

Susana Caetano

11:05 am– Support for raising European funding in the UC

Sílvia Matias

11:15 am – Strategic Area of the UC “Digital, Industry and Space

Natacha Leite

11:20h – Q&A

Registration here.