/ Initiatives / Destiiinations

Climate, Energy and Mobility within Horizon Europe

4th March | 2.30pm | online event

This session will be dedicated to the funding opportunities for research within the Strategic Area - Climate, Energy and Mobility under the next European funding framework - Horizon Europe, with the presence of the National Contact Points for the Cluster "Climate, Energy and Mobility".

You will get to know:

  • The main changes and challenges of Horizon Europe,

  • Next calls for research and innovation under the "Climate, Energy and Mobility" cluster

  • Main partnerships within these thematic areas.

In addition, this Destiiinations also aims to prepare UC researchers for the challenges of coordination/leadership in a European project and the challenges related to finding consortia under Horizon Europe.

This online session will be in English and will have an estimated duration of 1h30.

Registration to participate in the event must be made through this link.

 Meet & Greet


Professor Cláudia Cavadas, Vice-Rector for Research @UC

The Strategic Research Areas at UC

Isabel Neves, Strategic Research Areas at UC


Horizon Europe in brief: main novelties and challenges

Luís Maia, National Contact Point @PERIN

Funding opportunities under Cluster 5 “Climate, Energy and Mobility”

Cristiana Leandro, NCP Coordinator for Energy & Luís Maia, NCP Coordinator for Mobility @PERIN


How to maximaze value from European Projects

Professor Luís Simões da Silva, Director and researcher@ ISISE, Vice-rector for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at UC


 Profiling expertise and building international networks for collaboration

Cais Jurgens, Network Development Manager @ Crowdhelix

4.00pm Q&A