
Start’Ship main goals are to promote, develop and strengthen the entrepreneurial skills of higher education students through practical activities and an interactive training programme.

The overall objectives of the project are as follows:

  1. Raise awareness of entrepreneurial and start-up careers,

  2. Develop and strengthen students' entrepreneurial skills through practical learning experiences,

  3. Provide new and innovative methods of learning and teaching entrepreneurial skills,

  4. Promote inclusiveness and strengthen the diversity element of entrepreneurship,

  5. Support the creation of businesses in the field of health, nutrition and longevity.

To reach these goals, Start’Ship will implement 3 main activities:

  • A StudentsXStudents Entrepreneurs Hackathons that will enhance collaborative works between groups of students,

  • A dual training session on the key topics related to entrepreneurship as well as practical soft skills that will be tested in a pitch competition,

  • A StudentsXStartups Hackathon that will allow students to work in teams with actual startups and real-life projects.

Start’Ship junta parceiros académicos e não académicos de seis regiões da Europa: Eurosanté (França), Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen (Bélgica), WestCIC (Irlanda), University of Naples Federico II - Department of Economics, Management, Institutions (UniNa|DEMI) (Itália), Commercialization Reactor (Letónia) e Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal).

Início do projeto: 1/09/2023

Final do projeto: 31/08/2025

Financiamento total: 400.000€

Financiamento UE: 400.000€

This project is co-funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ Programme.

Check out the Erasmus+ Projects Results page here.

If you are interested in getting involved in this project, contact us at insert contact point’s email for your organisation. ;