Aims and Scope

Notas Económicas is a peer-reviewed scientific journal dedicated to all fields of Economics. The journal is especially committed to contribute to the advance of knowledge in the areas of sustainable development, with a special emphasis on articles that address, from a micro or a macroeconomic perspective, issues linked to organizational innovation and development, including health economics and policy design. These issues can be also addressed from a business economics perspective. The journal also accepts submission of letters. Letters should be concise and possibly preliminary contributions that are usually limited to 2000 words or 12 written pages. Articles which aim is to replicate published results, confirmatory or not, are encouraged, providing that authors supply all the material needed for the replication (e.g. data and coding).

All the articles should comply with the quality procedures of the journal and must be original contributions. Book reviews of high quality can also be published occasionally.

The submitted manuscript should not be under consideration at another journal and should be according to the style guide of Notas Económicas (NE).

The manuscripts submitted to NE must be unpublished and (co-)authored by the person(s) submitting them. The manuscripts must clearly identify the source of every item that is not original (e.g. text excerpts, illustrations, tables, etc.), and make explicit reference, whenever necessary, to permissions obtained from copyright holders and/or authors. In the latter case, if the manuscripts include items protected by intellectual property rights, the authors are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright holders.

Authors wishing to submit a manuscript to be considered for publication in Notas Económicas are requested to use the IMPACTVM platform - Coimbra University Press Journals at

Accepted languages are Portuguese and English. Each submission is subject to a double-blind refereeing process.

Notas Económicas has two issues per year or two volumes.