"Reinforce the quality of FEUC and contribute to the solidity of its near future" are the objectives of the director

13 april, 2022≈ 2 min read

© UC | Paulo Amaral

"Reinforce the quality of FEUC and contribute to the solidity of its near future" are the objectives of the director

Álvaro Garrido takes office for the 2022-24 term with the "intention of offering a renewing contribution to FEUC and of pursuing a series of projects that require some time and a sedimentation effort".

“We shouldn't ask for what the University can give us; we should rather be concerned with what we can give to the University”. It was with a citation of the “Kennedy principle” that Álvaro Garrido was reappointed to the position of director of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (FEUC).

For Álvaro Garrido, “the work of a director is just a management contribution that we make to our School and University, with the intention of reinforcing their mission and strengthening the relationships they establish with society”.

The director intends to continue "the strategy he presented at the beginning of 2020", "offer a renewing contribution to FEUC and continue a series of projects that require some time and a sedimentation effort".

For the future of FEUC, Álvaro Garrido believes that “the destiny of a school is imagined and built daily”. One of FEUC's strategic objectives “is to deepen the national and international competitiveness of the scientific areas of Economics and Management”. The director also highlights the intention to "increase FEUC's interaction with the business environment of the region and the country, which implies the dynamization of the network of partners, the increase of professional internships and mentoring programs".

At the inauguration ceremony, the director revealed something new. “For the first time, there will be a professor coordinating internships, companies and employability, whose office will work with student organizations and the network of partners”, says Álvaro Garrido.

FEUC is "an excellent example of how an organization is run", highlights the Rector of the University of Coimbra, Amílcar Falcão. ”, he adds. Assuring the availability of the rectory to work together, Amílcar Falcão congratulated the 50th anniversary of FEUC which takes place on December 2, 2022.

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