Photographic Exhibition | carpe mundum: environment and sustainability | Filipe Coelho

20 september, 2021≈ 3 min read

September 20, 2021

The Photographic Exhibition “carpe mundum: environment and sustainability” by Filipe Coelho, Professor at FEUC, is on display in the Teaching Block of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra.

carpe mundum: environment and sustainability

Human beings ensure their survival in competition with the other elements of Nature. Throughout its history, Man has developed abilities that have allowed him to exert a growing influence over other species, progressively shaping the environment that surrounds him. Today, the growing search for well-being has reached such proportions that the consequences on the natural environment hang like a sword of Damocles over the future of humanity. With Nature endangering our lifestyle, timid damage mitigation initiatives multiply. In parallel, we are witnessing a growing need to enjoy natural spaces, in a dialectic that questions the benefits of the Modernity Paradigm.

carpe mundum: environment and sustainability is an invitation to return to Origin, trying to scrutinize the contours that the future may take and the sacrifices that the natural world will impose on us. Because the future of each one of us starts Today.

Eduardo Barata and Paulo Saraiva
september 2021

Filipe Coelho was born in 1969 in the municipality of Oliveira do Bairro, having graduated in Economics at FEUC in 1992. In 1995 he completed a Masters in Management at ISCTE and, in 2000, a PhD in Management at the University of Manchester. Since 1992 he has been a professor at FEUC, where he teaches courses in the field of Marketing. He spends his free time with reading and some movies, not dispensing with nature walks – he especially enjoys the physically demanding and uniquely scenic trails. He looks at nature as 'poetry' to the eyes and comfort to the soul. Equipped with his camera, he records, in an amateur way, unique moments that he often likes to revisit: he appreciates the vast and imposing landscapes, but also the discovery and sharing of the apparently small details that nature reserves for us and that, often, go unnoticed to a less passionate gaze.