
UC News
28 December, 2022
Consortium gets €12 million to develop framework for soil monitoring
UC News
26 December, 2022
UC researcher discovers fossil of new conifer species
UC News
21 December, 2022
Six million euros to develop tools for a more sustainable use of ecosystems
UC News
20 December, 2022
UC Expert joins workgroup of the World Meteorological Organization
UC News
14 December, 2022
University of Coimbra coordinates international project focused on the agro-ecological management of weeds and pests
UC News
13 December, 2022
The University of Coimbra will receive 5 million euros to boost research in cognitive neuroscience and biomedical sciences
UC News
12 December, 2022
EC2U hosts online info session to present mobility opportunities to students
UC News
07 December, 2022
New Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Planetary Geosciences available at the UC
UC News
06 December, 2022
The University of Coimbra participated in the 6th international Symposium of the Portuguese Association of Women in Science
UC News
05 December, 2022
The Image of the Garden: 250 years of the UC Botanical Garden in a photo exhibition
UC News
05 December, 2022
DEI-FCTUC signs cooperation agreement with Roche Diagnostics GmbH in the scope of the Master of Data Science and Engineering
UC News
30 November, 2022
University of Coimbra hosted the 37th World Cultural Council Award Ceremony
UC News
30 November, 2022
Scientists of the University of Coimbra create intelligent tools to help prevent computer errors
UC News
28 November, 2022
Initiative to promote women empowerment gathers 30 women researchers of the University of Coimbra
UC News
28 November, 2022
Study led by the University of Coimbra suggests a paradigm shift in the treatment of staph infections
UC News
25 November, 2022
Full Professor of the University of Coimbra receives the "Ember Award for Excellence in Wildland Fire Science"
UC News
25 November, 2022
Study published in “Science” concludes that the increase in grazing pressure threatens global drylands ecosystem
UC News
24 November, 2022
UC signs agreement with the Macao Polytechnic University
UC News
24 November, 2022
UC hosts the 37th World Cultural Council Award Ceremony
UC News
24 November, 2022
International Fair of Minerals, Gemstones and Fossils at the UC Science Museum
UC News
23 November, 2022
University of Coimbra researcher takes biosensors into space to monitor the health of astronauts
UC News
17 November, 2022
The Centre for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra joins the largest global artificial intelligence Consortium
UC News
16 November, 2022
UC research team develops new bioprocess to recycle photovoltaic waste
UC News
16 November, 2022
Teams from the University of Coimbra get first and second places in the GISU 2022 Urban Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition
897 articles found