Maria Barroso Prize awarded to Rosa Monteiro

The Prize aims to distinguish women or men who, individually or at the head of institutions, develop/have developed relevant work in the areas of non-discrimination, gender equality and citizenship.

15 january, 2023≈ 3 min read

Maria Barroso Prize awarded to Rosa Monteiro

A jury made up of independent specialists and a representative of the Barroso-Soares family and the Municipality of Lagoa (Algarve) decided to award Rosa Monteiro the Maria Barroso Prize, which this year is in its 3rd edition. The award ceremony will take place at the Centro Cultural São José in that city, on March 8th.

The Jury for this edition was chaired by Luís Encarnação, Mayor of Lagoa do Algarve and composed of Isabel Barroso Soares, representing Maria Barroso's family; Anália Torres, full professor of sociology at ISCSP, Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Lisbon and founder and coordinator of CIEG, Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies; Clara de Jesus, Consultant and expert in Gender Equality; Sandra Ribeiro, President of the Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality; Virgínia Ferreira, PhD in sociology, assistant professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (FEUC), permanent researcher at CES, Center for Social Studies and founding member of the Portuguese Association for Studies on Women.

This biennial award was instituted by the Municipality of Lagoa and aims to distinguish women or men who, individually or at the head of institutions,

develop/have developed relevant work in the areas of non-discrimination, gender equality and citizenship.

In the two previous editions, the Prize was awarded to Maria do Céu da Cunha Rêgo (1st edition) and Teresa Pizarro Beauty (2nd edition).