FEUC hosts 5th edition of the ILO Chair

16 may, 2022≈ 7 min read

“Cátedra OIT”/ILO-Chair (5th edition, 2022)
2022/05/18, 3pm
(Portuguese Local Time)
Amphitheater 4.1 (Faculty of Economics)

On May 18, at 3pm, in Amphitheater 4.1 of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, the 5th Edition of the ILO Chair will take place.

The “International Labor Organization Chair” (ILO Chair) is the corollary of the unprecedented Simulation of the International Labor Conference held at the University of Coimbra in the academic year 2016/17. Under the “ILO Chair”, FEUC has been hosting, since 2018, specialists and technical staff with experience in key ILO themes with the purpose of stimulating the sharing of knowledge in areas of common interest to FEUC (its courses and research) and the ILO.

This seminar will be held in English and Portuguese.

Joaquim Pintado Nunes

The right to safety and health working conditions/ environments as a Fundamental Principle and Right at Work: Implications for ILO Member states

In June 2019, the International Labour Conference adopted the ILO Centenary Declaration for the Future of Work as a landmark resolution for a human-centered approach to the future of work. The Declaration recognized that occupational safety and health (OSH) is fundamental to decent work.

Following a request of the Conference to the International Labour Office to explore options for the possible integration of the right to safe and healthy working conditions in the ILO’s framework of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (FPRW), the ILO’s Governing Body has since then discussed the possible identification of occupational safety and health as a fifth category of FPRW, which would add to the existing fundamental principles of freedom of association, equality and non-discrimination, elimination of child labour and abolition of forced labour. The 110th International Labour Conference will now decide in June 2022 if the 1998 ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work will be amended accordingly, adding a fifth category of FPRW. The Conference will debate and decide on terminology to be used, the standards to be recognized as fundamental, as well as questions related to a saving clause preventing extensive interpretation of FPRW requirements as encompassing reference to OSH.

The deliberation on the nature of OSH as a FPRW will determine the obligation of all ILO Member states to respect, advance and realize the fundamental right to safe and healthy working conditions/ environment independently of ratifying the OSH conventions considered as fundamental. Governments will have a duty to report periodically to the ILO on progress made to give practice to the provisions of the OSH fundamental conventions(s).

The communication will inform of the practical implications of affirming OSH as a PFRW, the main principles affirmed by the OSH standards that may become fundamental and what kind of action is required from Member states to satisfy the constitutional obligation of protecting the life and health of workers. The communication will also explain the main concepts introduced by the Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981 (No. 155), and the Promotional Framework Convention for Occupational Safety and Health, 2007 (No. 187) and how these have influenced legal frameworks globally, including in the EU region.

Biographical note:
Joaquim Pintado Nunes was born in Lisbon, Portugal. He has a master on Law and concluded post-graduate studies on labour law, on occupational safety and health, and on public administration and management.

He is currently the acting chief of the LABADMIN/OSH (Labour Administration, Labour Inspection and Occupational Safety and Health) Branch of the Governance and Tripartism Department of the International Labour Organization (ILO). He’s been the team lead on labour administration and labour inspection since 2014.

He worked in the ILO’s Decent Work Team and Country Office for Central and Eastern Europe as a specialist on labour administration and labour inspection. Before joining the ILO, he was the head of the Planning and Technical Labour Inspection Directorate of the national Authority for Working Conditions in Portugal. M Pintado Nunes worked as chief of a regional office of the national labour inspectorate, as a labour inspector and as an attorney. He was member of national inter-ministerial taskforces on labour law reform, occupational safety and health, industrial licencing and public administration. In addition, he was the national representative in two specialized committees of the European Commission, and a lecturer of occupational safety and health legislation and inspection systems. M. Pintado Nunes was given two awards for excellence in public service.

Nuno de Castro

Social Protection at the crossroads – analysis of the state of play and future perspectives

Despite the unprecedented worldwide expansion of social protection during the COVID-19 crisis, more than 4 billion people around the world remain entirely unprotected - only 47 per cent of the global population are effectively covered by at least one social protection benefit, while 4.1 billion people (53 per cent) obtain no income security at all from their national social protection system.
The new International Labour Organization (ILO) report – World Social Protection Report 2020-22: Social Protection at the crossroads – in pursuit of a better future gives a global overview of recent developments in social protection systems across countries and regions, including social protection floors, and covers the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. It finds that the pandemic response was uneven and insufficient, deepening the gap between countries with high and low income levels and failing to afford the much-needed social protection that all human beings deserve. Finally, the report identifies protection gaps and sets out key policy recommendations, including in relation to the targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Biographical note:
Nuno de Castro, with a degree in Contemporary History, has worked since 2004 at the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (ITCILO), mainly as a content creator, speaker and trainer in Portuguese-speaking countries (PALOP). After years of experience in topics related to the processes of sustainable local development and the promotion of youth work, he was responsible for the work carried out in the field of training and capacity building in the area of social protection within the scope of the multilateral cooperation projects of the ILO and the ITCILO financed by the Ministry of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security in Portugal. He is currently the Coordinator of the project ACTION/Portugal to strengthen Social Protection systems in the PALOP and Timor-Leste and works from the ILO Lisbon office.

For those who cannot attend in person, it is possible to attend the seminars through the link.