On the 23rd of February at 15:00 pm, there will be a Webinar dedicated to Entrepreneurship, within the scope of the Enterprising the Future-Next Generation project, which is an initiative of ASSIMAGRA - Recursos Minerais de Portugal (www.assimagra.pt). This project aims to encourage the creation of new, dynamic, sustainable, innovative and creative ideas in the Natural Stone sector that materialize in the creation of start-ups, companies and employment itself.

In this webinar, the potential of the stone sector with regard to innovation, creativity and business opportunities will be presented. There will also be a panel on entrepreneurship in its various aspects and the presentation of the National Ideas Competition, which will allow for specialized and financial support in the context of the development of a potential business idea.

The webinar will be held through the ZOOM platform.

Webinar ID: 835 1510 8748
Access password: 572931