Seminar | ECOSOL-CES

"Transformative economies" in a context of ecosocial urgency. Advances and current challenges

March 29, 2023, 4:00 pm

Event in digital format


16:00-16:20 - Practical dilemmas and challenges within the framework of “transformative economies”: an analysis based on case studies - Sara Sama (UNED) and Jesús Sanz (UCM)

16:20-16:40 - Natural production in the West Sierra of Madrid and the Sierra de Gredos (Ávila) as a transforming space. Analysis of the logics and productive processes of natural wine - David Berna (UCM)

16:40-17:00 - The logic around the algorithm in the platform cooperativism- Raquel Alquézar Crusellas (UdG)

17:00-17:10 - Comments: Pedro Hespanha (CES)

17:10 - Plenary session