
The insurrectionary stage of the global far right

January 31st, 4pm

Amphitheater 4.1 of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra

Free entry

This event is attended by Doctors Vladimir Safatle (USP), Boaventura Sousa Santos (CES-UC) and Marcela Uchôa (IEF-UC.


The last few decades have been marked by the emergence and generalization of neoliberalism - accompanied by what Boaventura de Sousa Santos has called social fascism.

In the aftermath of the left's crisis and its inability to present a structural alternative, much of the social discontent has been channeled into new and some not so new radical right movements - it's the so-called new right ranging from neo-fascism to right-wing populism. . It involved activist movements such as the Tea Party; MBL is an important electoral booster for the far right around the world. However, this new right came to power in several countries and began to dominate public debate everywhere with a focus on issues such as terrorism, immigration and corruption...

However, as right-wing populism comes to power, it is also confronted with the limits of institutions and electoral losses.

Faced with these challenges, we observe a new phase marked by insurrections or attempted insurrections on the right. The recent invasions of the Capitol in the United States and the Planalto Palace in Brazil are the clearest example.

Would we then be facing a transformation of the Extreme Right in the way we knew it into a new open fascism? How resilient is the liberal-democratic state to this threat? Does the left political field that still respects the bourgeois state have the political strength to present alternatives?