On March 15, an AAEFEUC Online MasterClass will take place.

MasterClass Online

“The Art of Investing in the Stock Exchange: Markets, Companies & Investors - Introduction to Investing in Companies Listed on the Capital Markets” with Pedro Luís and Steven Santos, on March 15, 2023 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.


1. Decoding the Financial Markets

2. Review Assets & Listed Companies

3. Logic of Investing in the Exchange

4. Doubts & Issues Session


Pedro Luís - Investor and independent trader, founder of Academia de Bolsa, graduated in Economics from FEUC.

Steven Santos - Director of Brokerage and Trading Platforms at Banco de Investimento Global. Author of the book "The Trading Manual". Extras: we have Bolsa Academia vouchers and a copy of the book "The Trader's Manual" to raffle among participants. Free registration through AAEFEUC, using the following form: https://forms.gle/URtEYLsdL4L11AU38