On the 6th of April, at 6 pm, the book “O novo normal” - Securitização, Precariedade e (Des)Integração Europeia em Tempos de Pandemia, will be launched in the Keynes room of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, a Page-to-Page edit.

The launch session features a presentation by João Rodrigues (FEUC) and the presence of the authors, Manuel Loff, Filipe Guerra and Tiago Vieira.


The Covid-19 pandemic and, above all, the political and economic management that is made of it, created a social, political, economic and even existential context that opened a new historical cycle in the implementation of a security regime on a global scale, in the relations of work and in the process of European integration. It is he who configures what has been called the new normal. More than simply fixing a historical portrait of the time, what is intended here is to intervene in the debate on the paths that Portugal and the world follow in a context as challenging as the current one.