On February 10, 2023, the Opening Conference of the Postgraduate course in “Social Economy – cooperativism, mutualism and solidarity” will be held.

On February 10, 2023, at 2:30 pm, in the Keynes room of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, the Opening Conference of the Postgraduate course in “Social Economy – cooperativism, mutualism and solidarity” will be held.


2:30 pm

Characterization of the Social Economy Sector in Portugal

Eduardo Graça, President of the Board of CASES

Eduardo Pedroso, Responsible for Statistics and Database at CASES

The Postgraduate course in “Social Economy – cooperativism, mutualism and solidarity” is promoted, within the framework of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, by the respective Center for Cooperative Studies and Social Economy (CECES/FEUC), which since 1981 deals with cooperativism and which, since the mid-1990s, has extended the scope of its activity to the social economy as a whole. A multidisciplinary team of professors and researchers works in this Center, coming from different areas, such as Economics, Management, Law and Sociology.

In recent years, CECES/FEUC, which has maintained an effective link with various areas of the social economy for a long time, has organized several Open Courses and promoted Colloquiums on the subject of this Post-Graduation.

The objective of this postgraduate course is to study the various areas of social economy, with emphasis on those that have a more historically marked identity and a clearer social importance, such as cooperatives, mutual societies and private institutions of social solidarity. as a whole. The social economy is not seen as an isolated object. On the contrary, some of the problems that are projected with more relevance are also analyzed.