Ciclo de Conferências | Encerramento do Projeto de investigação ART.63

Lecture Series | Closing of the Research Project ART.63

The right to social security in capitalist peripheries

19, 25, 27 de maio de 2022, 14h30

Online event


The financial crisis of 2008 and the Euro crisis of 2010-2011 affected the countries of the European periphery extremely negatively, especially those that were subjected to Troika structural adjustment programmes. One of the consequences of the financial rescue was to produce significant changes in the organisation of the labour market (devaluation of wages and increased precariousness, among others). In addition, several social policies have experienced important changes in this period. The social security system, in particular, was subject to several changes. The recovery of jobs was accompanied by precarious contracts and the maintenance of low wages in highly vulnerable sectors. In the countries of the South, this period is marked by inverse trends. Indeed, it is during this period that there was a major vertical and horizontal expansion of social protection systems. During this period, there were multiple processes of model diffusion and transfer, made possible by the increasingly active participation of international actors in the design and implementation of social policies.

The multifaceted crisis resulting from the pandemic of COVID-19 triggered the implementation of different responses. Indeed, both in the peripheries to the North and in the peripheries to the South, emergency measures were adopted aimed at containing unemployment and guaranteeing a minimum income for families. This period is being marked by an unprecedented expansion of social protection, as the measures are aimed not only at people covered by existing mechanisms, but also incorporate vulnerable groups that were previously marginalised.

The closing conference series of the ART. 63 project aims to reflect in a comparative manner on the evolution of social protection systems in peripheral countries in the North and South. Beyond what appear to be radical dissimilarities between peripheries in the North and South, there are also similarities in the evolution of these systems and room for cross-learning which it is important to identify and highlight.

Organisers: José Castro Caldas (CES), Maria Clara Oliveira (FEUC) and Tiago Oliveira (CIDEEFF)