On April 15, 2023, at 10 am, in the Keynes room of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, a session of Living Experiences will be held within the scope of the Postgraduate course in “Social Economy – cooperativism, mutualism and solidarity” .

The program for the session, entitled From meadow to plate: who takes it?, includes interventions by Augusto Nogueira, Coordinator of Pinhal Maior – Association for the Development of Pinhal Interior Sul (Bio Cradle of Lusitânia) and Jorge Ribeiro Nunes, Farmer.


The Postgraduate course in “Social Economy – cooperativism, mutualism and solidarity” is promoted, within the framework of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, by the respective Center for Cooperative Studies and Social Economy (CECES/FEUC), which since 1981 deals with cooperativism and which, since the mid-1990s, has extended the scope of its activity to the social economy as a whole.

A multidisciplinary team of professors and researchers works in this Center, coming from different areas, such as Economics, Management, Law and Sociology. In recent years, CECES/FEUC, which has maintained an effective link with various areas of the social economy for a long time, has organized several Open Courses and promoted Colloquiums on the subject of this Post-Graduation.

The objective of this postgraduate course is to study the various areas of social economy, with emphasis on those that have a more historically marked identity and a clearer social importance, such as cooperatives, mutual societies and private institutions of social solidarity. as a whole. The social economy is not seen as an isolated object. On the contrary, some of the problems that are projected with more relevance are also analyzed.