FEUC@company: Visit to Olympus Medical Products Portugal

On the 22nd of March, another initiative of the FEUC@company cycle of events will take place, promoted by the Business Employability Office (GEE) of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (FEUC). This is a cycle of visits to companies in different sectors of activity with the aim of familiarizing students with the reality of a company and its production processes and services.

This time, FEUC students will have the opportunity to visit Olympus Medical Products Portugal, a company that very recently opened one of the largest medical equipment repair centers in Europe at Coimbra iParque. The departure from FEUC will be at 2:00 pm, with an expected arrival at Olympus facilities at 2:30 pm. The visit begins with a presentation of the company by the General Manager, which will be followed by a tour of the operational area. After a coffee break, it will also be possible to contact some of the company's key departments. The return is scheduled for 17:30.

Each interested party must register in advance via the link starting March 13th. Enrollment is limited to 20 participants, selection being made in order of enrollment. Priority will be given to students who did not participate in the previous initiative of the FEUC@company cycle. All participants receive a certificate.