The Association of Former Students of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (AAEFEUC), with the support of the Faculty Board, will celebrate, on May 21, the II Day of the Former Student of FEUC. The opening session begins at 11 am, in the FEUC auditorium, and features speeches by Álvaro Garrido, Director of FEUC, João Nuno Calvão da Silva, Vice-Rector of the University of Coimbra and Francisco Santos, President of AAEFEUC.

11 am

initial interventions

Álvaro Garrido, Director of FEUC

João Nuno Calvão da Silva, Vice-rector of the University of Coimbra

Francisco Santos, President of AAEFEUC

12 pm

Testimonials: "Life after FEUC"

Miguel Morgado, European Investment Bank

Sofia Correia, The GUTsy Captain Company

1 pm

Networking lunch, with the participation of the Coral Quecofónico do Cifrão.

3 pm

port of honor

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