Engagement: One size does not fit all” seminar hosted by Carla Banha, Efapel's Human Resources Director.

On June 11, at 11:15, there will be a seminar with the theme “Engagement: One size does not fit all”, which will be promoted by Carla Banha, Efapel's Director of Human Resources.
The seminar takes place in the context of the Curricular Unit of Leadership and Motivation, which is common to the MBA for Executives and the Masters and MBA in Marketing – Faculty of Economics, Universidade Coimbra.

The event will take place in room 1.2 of FEUC.
Those who are not attending the course will be able to attend through mandatory registration: https://forms.gle/R95V3VsqA7AsLsUa7


Brief biography of Carla Banha

Carla Banha has been Human Resources Director since 2004 at Efapel – Empresa Fabril de Produtos Eléctricos, SA. She is also a professor and co-coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in People and Talent Management at APEU-FEUC. She has a degree in Organizational Psychology from the University of Coimbra, a postgraduate degree in Human Resources Development Policies from ISCTE and an Executive MBA from Porto Business School. The focus of his work has been the strategic development of human resources.