On Friday, April 8, at 10 am, in a hybrid format, an open class will be held, within the scope of the Doctoral Seminar II of the Doctorate in Cities and Urban Cultures.

Complexifying Margins - territorialities, mobility and urban places in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area

Simone Frangella

room 2.2 or via ZOOM - https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/84368867910?pwd=VXM3Wi9Rdk1vS25Sam9vWDVCZHFGZz09)


Simone Frangella is an anthropologist and research assistant at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon. She holds a PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Campinas, Brazil (2004).

The research carried out during the Master's and Doctoral studies dealt with themes related to urban space, corporeality, itinerant paths and the construction of sociability, with the street as the central space.

In Europe, she was a research associate at King’s College, University of London and a visiting researcher at Goldsmiths College. During this period she worked, respectively, on Brazilian cultural production in London and Afro-Brazilian images and on Brazilian immigrants in London.

Since 2009 she lives in Lisbon. She has devoted herself for years to issues related to transnational mobilities, particularly migratory phenomena and their social and symbolic dynamics. Taking the Brazilian migration as an empirical focus, it focused on some aspects: gender and family relations, discourses on national identity and territorial belonging, generational relations, cultural production, life management and the construction of the person.

In recent years, he began to think about the configurations and territorial margins of the neighborhoods of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area, focusing on the South Margin, in order to understand how territorial belonging relationships intersect with intergenerational relationships, with different work experiences and relationships. of conviviality.