On November 16, at 4 pm, in FEUC amphitheater 4.1, there will be a publicity session on the Coimbra-Bordeaux Integrated Course (FEUC/Sciences Po-Bordeaux), edition 2023/2024.

This session is intended for undergraduate students in Sociology and/or International Relations.

The Coimbra-Bordeaux Integrated Course (FEUC/Sciences Po-Bordeaux) offers bilingual French and Portuguese students the opportunity to access a range of studies with an annual frequency alternating between the two institutions, in a multicultural environment.

After a first year spent at the University of Coimbra, students alternately pursue their studies at the IEP-Bordeaux and at FEUC (at least two years in Bordeaux). The French and Portuguese students of the integrated course form a group of up to twenty students (up to ten on each side) who accompany each other.

The Integrated Course provides a double degree in Political and Social Sciences and, at the end of five years of studies, the student obtains a Master's Degree in International Relations or Sociology from the University of Coimbra and a Master's Degree from the IEP - Bordeaux .

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