27 July, 2022
Bolsa para Projeto INTERFACE SEGURA
26 July, 2022
IJ realiza duas sessões internas sobre investigação
25 July, 2022
Projeto Dia Mundial das Cidades - Direito de Cidadania e Cultura será lançado dia 30 de setembro
15 July, 2022
IJ recebe financiamento Verão com Ciência da FCT
14 July, 2022
2 eventos de promoção da cultura científica do IJ apoiados pela UC
08 July, 2022
IJ participa na exposição "O que se investiga na UC?"
06 July, 2022
University of Coimbra Institute for Legal Research opens a call for 3 postdoctoral research fellowships
29 June, 2022
International competition for a job position at UCILeR in Science Management
02 June, 2022
Announcement for Research Grant - MediMARE Project
26 May, 2022
The UCILeR hosted the event El abandono escolar temprano desde una perspectiva comparada
23 May, 2022
Conference program "Justice as Translation and Counter-storytelling" released
18 May, 2022
The UCILeR participates in the Science 2022 Meeting
15 May, 2022
Nova turma inicia trabalhos no Projeto ECI
10 May, 2022
The Conference Vulnerability and Family Law was successfully held
09 May, 2022
The UCILeR conducts training session on alternative sentencing and measures
26 April, 2022
PRI ALT EUR Pilot Project has been launched
22 April, 2022
"Justice as translation and Counter-storytelling" Colloquium in Coimbra
21 April, 2022
The UCILeR leads two applications to Horizon Europe - Cluster 2
15 March, 2022
Book on artificial intelligence in the economic sector published
13 March, 2022
ECI Project from A to Z concludes first cycle of activities
12 March, 2022
Institut Hans Albert praises University of Coimbra Institute for Legal Research initiative
25 February, 2022
Insolvency and Corporate Restructuring
24 February, 2022
Exhibition "Law and the principle of congruence in the time of science: the Hans Albert Century (N. 1921)"
14 February, 2022
Terrorism: When is it a Crime?" | February 17
267 articles found