/ Research Projects / INDIJEN

Research Team

Portugal's Team

Alexandra Aragão

Universidade de Coimbra (Project Coordinator)

Alexandra Aragão is a professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, where she teaches environmental law, European law, risk governance and food safety law. She is sub-director of the « Revista de direito do ordenamento, urbanismo e ambiente » (https://impactum.uc.pt/en/revista?id=90390&sec=5) and member of several European observatories and academic research groups related to environmental law (Water and Natura Observatory 2000 www.cidce.org/, www.avosetta.org, eelf.info/, www.ces.uc.pt / osiris /). She participated as a specialist in the elaboration of the 2030 Agendas for research and innovation in the circular economy of the Foundation for Science and Technology. His current research areas in environmental law are: waste law, circular economy, precautionary principle, polluter pays principle, environmental justice, environmental impact assessment, ecosystem services and law in the Anthropocene.

Her recent publications include: «Environmental Standards in the Portuguese Constitution», in: Environmental Rights-The Development of Standards, Stephen Turner (ed.), Oxford University Press, 2019; « When feelings become scientific facts. Valuing cultural ecosystem services and taking them into account in public decision making”, in: Managing Facts and Feelings in Environmental Governance, Edward Elgar, 2019 and “Environmental principles in the EU”, in: Principles of Environmental Law, Elgar Encyclopaedia of Environmental Law , Ludwig Krämer, Emanuela Orlando (eds), 2018.

Cátia Cebola (ESTG-IPL)

School of Technology and Management - Polytechnic Institute of Leiria

Cátia Marques Cebola is an Assistant Professor, teaching Alternative Dispute Resolution and Civil Law, at the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria in Portugal. She carried out her doctoral work at the University of Salamanca, Spain and defended her thesis on the theme Mediation. In 2006 she took a Practical Course of Mediation in Portugal and attended the Harvard Mediation Program in 2010. She was coordinator of a Postgraduate Course in Urban Planning Law and Environmental Law, in the Polytechnic of Leiria, teaching in this course the curricular unit "Alternative Dispute Resolution in environmental matters". She participated in several research projects, of which she highlights the Project “(I)LEGAL CITIES: comparative analysis of urban environmental conflicts in São Carlos - Brazil and Coimbra – Portugal”. She is author of several studies and articles about mediation and arbitration of environmental conflicts, namely, Challenges to Environmental Mediation in Portugal: The Principles of Law 29/2013 (“Desafios à Mediação Ambiental em Portugal: Os Princípios da Lei nº 29/2013”) with Dulce Lopes, Lia Vasconcelos e Úrsula Caser, in A Mediação Administrativa – Contributos sobre as (im)possibilidades, Isabel Celeste M. Fonseca (Coordinator), Almedina, 2019, pp. 95-126; Arbitration in an environmental and urban context (“A arbitragem em contexto ambiental e urbanístico”), In A Arbitragem Administrativa e Tributária - problemas e desafios, 2ª ed., 2013, Almedina, pp. 57-80; Out-of-court settlement of environmental disputes: an inexorable new world (“Resolução Extrajudicial de Conflitos em matéria ambiental: um inexorável mundo novo”), In Direito do Urbanismo e do Ambiente – Estudos Compilados, Quid iuris, 2010, pp. 404 – 440, and more recently the book Environmental Mediation - From Law to Practice, with Dulce Lopes, Lia Vasconcelos e Úrsula Caser, 1.ª ed., Gestlegal, 2020.

Dulce Lopes

University of Coimbra

Law degree and Master degree at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra. Phd on recognition of foreign administrative acts under the supervision of Prof. Rui Manuel Moura Ramos, former President of the Portuguese Constitutional Court. Professor at the Faculty of Law of Coimbra. Responsible for the Direction Of Studies in English of the Private International Law Summer Course of the Hague Academy of International Law (2018) Professor at several institutes and universities as invited teacher (such as Universities of Coimbra, Porto, Lisbon, Catholic University of Lille, Institute of Social Sciences in Beijing...). Member of the Coordination Council of the University of Coimbra Legal Research Institute (UCILeR) Member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra Vice- Director of the Center for Coimbra European Studies Association Associate member of the Centre for Registration and Notary Law Studies (CENoR) Member of the fiscal Council of the Institut Ius Gentium Conimbrigae (Human rights Center). Member of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Centre for Land Planning, Urban and Environmental Law Studies (CEDOUA). Investigator of Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the 20th Century (CEIS20), European group, Atlanticity and Globalization. Lecturer in several seminars/conferences/courses (internal and international) in European Union law, Private International law and Administrative law issues. General coordinator of the Project European Citizens' Initiative: A Tool for Engagement and Active Citizenship, funded by the European Commission – Erasmus + Consultant and Adviser. Author of several publications in European Law, Private International Law and Administrative and Planning Law.

Sara Moreno Pires

Aveiro University

Sara Moreno Pires is a Researcher at the Research Unit on Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policies (GOVCOPP) at the University of Aveiro in the “CeNTER-Networks and Communities for Territorial Innovation” Program. She has also been a Guest Lecturer in the UA Department of Social, Political and Territory Sciences since 2016. She holds a PhD in Applied Sciences at the Environment (University of Aveiro, Portugal), Master in Development and Planning (University College London, United Kingdom) and Degree in Economics (University of Coimbra, Portugal).

She is currently executive director of the Casa Comum da Humanidade Organization and scientific coordinator of the “Ecological Footprint of Portuguese Municipalities” project, developed at the University of Aveiro, in partnership with the Global Footprint Network, ZERO – Associação Terrestre Sustentável and several municipalities. She has focused her research on sustainable development policies and the role of sustainability indicators in local governance, with several scientific articles published in the area of ​​sustainable development. He has collaborated or collaborates in numerous national research projects (such as DRIVIT-UP, DECIDE or the Quality of Local Governance in Portugal) and international (of which EUSTEPs or JustSide stands out) and has played an active role in collaboration with City Councils, NGOs and companies in the area of ​​sustainable development.

Daniele Galvão de Sousa Santos

University of Coimbra

Doctoral student in Law at the University of Coimbra. Master in Agro-environmental Law from the Federal University of Mato Grosso (Brazil, 2016), with a dissertation published as a book by Editora Lumen Juris (Rio de Janeiro, 2019), with the title “Constituição, meio ambiente e colisão de direitos fundamentais: debates sobre um núcleo não ponderável”. Postgraduate in Human Rights by Verbo Educacional (Brazil, 2018). Graduated from the Law School of the Federal University of Mato Grosso (Brazil, 2013). Member of the Jus-Clima Research Group (UFMT, Brazil) and of the Research Group on Environment and Climate Change of the Nucleus of Luso-Brazilian Studies at the University of Lisbon. Member of the Latin American Climate Lawyers Initiative for Mobilizing Action (LACLIMA). Climate Reality Leader in the Portugal team. He is currently a Legal Analyst at the Center for Climate Crime Analysis (CCCA). His main areas of research interest are: climate change, ecological constitutionalism, governance for nature, international environmental law, environmental migrations, environmental human rights, climate litigation, transnational environmental crimes.

Juliana Chediek

University of Coimbra

Juliana Chediek holds a Master’s degree in Law (concentration area “Legal thought and social relations”) from the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro – UERJ, specialist in Civil-Constitutional Law from the Center for Studies and Research in Law at UERJ, specialist in Public Law and Private by the School of Magistracy of the State of Rio de Janeiro and graduated in Law by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ. She is a PhD student at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, where she researches eco-innovation partnerships.

Approved in several competitions in Brazil, she was a public lawyer (CAIXA), federal government attorney (COFEN), executive technical advisor and member of the Strategic Planning and Integrity Committees (Olympic Legacy Governance Authority – AGLO, Ministry of Sports). She is currently licensed to study the position of analyst in science and technology specialist in Law (Federal Government). His current research areas are: public-private procurement of new technologies and sustainability, administrative innovation partnerships, eco-innovation and technological orders.

Her recent publications include: “Opportunities for environmental paradiplomatic practices at transnational strategic alliances for innovation”, 2021 and “Eco-innovation in times of health emergency: scientific progress and sustainability”, 2021.

International Team

  • Emilie Gaillard
  • Michel Prieur
  • Christophe Bastin
  • Julien Bétaille
  • Alfredo Pena Vega
  • José Juste
  • Guillaume Chapron
  • Jérôme Fromageau
  • Marie Bonnin
  • Alexandra Aragão
  • Leila Chikhaoui
  • Fernanda Salles Cavedon-Capdeville
  • Cristian Derani