/ Research Projects


Legal Indicators for Environmental Law Effectiveness



The INDIJEN project is part of a broader project on designing Law for future generations, its theoretical and practical consequences on environmental law, human rights and society.

The immediate objective of the INDIJEN project is to develop a scientific measurement of the implementation of the rights of future generations using legal indicators of effectiveness. Thanks to legal indicators, public authorities and citizens are given a readable tool for the scientific evaluation of public policies so that they can no longer carry out “blind” reforms.

The INDIJEN project builds on Professor Michel Prieur’s unprecedented work published by the Francophone Institute of Sustainable Development (IFDD), an agency of the International Organisation of the Francophonie (OIF), entitled “Legal indicators, tools for assessing the effectiveness of environmental law” | “Les indicateurs juridiques, outils d’évaluation de l’efficacité de droit de l’environnement, 2018.

Project's Duration: 2019 a 2022

Host Institution: Chaire Normandie pour la Paix

Coordination: Alexandra Aragão

Project's Steps

  • 2019 | Desenvolping the concept of legal indicators of effectiveness
  • 2020 | Proof of concept: demonstrator project in Portugal, France, Tunísia and Brazil |
  • 2021 | Stakeholders meetings and applying questionnaires
  • 2022 | Analysis, conclusions and proposals

Duration 4 years


Chaire Normandie pour la Paix (project leader), University of Caen; University of Coimbra Institute for Legal Research; Tunis University, Federal University of Santa Catarina