University of Coimbra Institute for Legal Research participates in FIC.A - International Science Festival 2022

07 october, 2022≈ 2 min read

On October 16, the University of Coimbra Institute for Legal Research (UCILeR) will participate in FIC.A - International Science Festival 2022 with several science communication activities aimed at young people, adults, and families. These activities aim to raise awareness of issues being studied by the UCILeR, such as wildfires, domestic violence, and artificial intelligence, while also addressing the issue of open access to science.

The IJ will run the activity "The Raiders of the Lost European Citizens’ Initiative". This activity, coordinated by professor and researcher Alexandra Aragão, consists of an escape room to show playfully and interactively the research performance, addressing citizen participation.

FIC.A takes place from October 10th to 16th, in Oeiras, with a program aimed at schools during the week and activities for the general public from Friday to Sunday. The Festival brings together academic and other entities and includes various activities, such as debates, lectures, exhibitions, shows, concerts, workshops, and training.

Learn more about UC's participation in FIC.A here.