PRI ALT EUR Pilot Project has been launched

26 april, 2022≈ 2 min read

On April 22, 2022, the meeting to launch the pilot project on the execution of sentences and measures in the community involving convicts with mental health care needs was held in a virtual format. The meeting was attended by the FDUC research team, the social reintegration services, and the Dão-Lafões community mental health team.

As part of the PRI ALT EUR project, it is planned to design, implement and monitor two pilot projects that contribute to improving the effectiveness of non-custodial sentences. The pilot projects will be implemented in Portugal and Hungary, under the coordination of the University of Coimbra and the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, respectively. In Portugal, the pilot project aims to promote articulation between social reintegration services and mental health services in the execution of sentences and measures in the community, in order to: i. ensure effective access to local mental health services for convicts/defendants in need of mental health care; ii) promote a shared and concerted intervention between social reintegration services and mental health services.

For more detailed information on justification and methodology of the pilot project, please visit the project’s page.