MediMARE Final Symposym finalizes the project

04 july, 2023≈ 3 min read

The MediMARE MEdiation in Maritime Disputes Final Symposium happened on June 30th and July 1st at Colégio da Trindade, in Coimbra. The event counted with the participation of several specialists in the maritime disputes area, namely Maria de Assunção Cristas, Associate Professor at da Nova School of Law, coordinator of the Law and Economy of the Sea Master and former Ministry of Agriculture, Sea, Environment and Territory Ordinance between 2011 and 2013, and Ministry of Agriculture and Sea of Portugal between 2011 and 2015; João Reis, Secretary of State of Fisheries; and Marisa Lameiras da Silva, General Director of Sea Policy.

There was also the presentation of papers in a Call for Papers, which written papers were published in a Book of Abstracts, (soon to be) available at the project website:

The project aimed at contributing to potenciate maritime mediation in means of fomenting the consensual management of disputes generated in the ocean. As the mediation is a mechanism that involves several intervening parties, the project aimed at listening to several actors connected to the sea, and the development of courses and tools that allowed to potentiate the good practices for the professional exercise in this area, aimed at the pacification of conflicts.

According to the coordinator of the project, Dulce Lopes, ”The MediMARE Project has highlighted the need to promote the use of maritime mediation and to develop its contours, since this is a desire of the various maritime operators. It was a very productive project, conducted in a spirit of collaboration between partners and with great political impact.”

Medimare is a project financed by the EEA Grants (PT - INNOVATION-0065). The project is coordinated by the University of Coimbra, through the University of Coimbra Legal Research Institute, having as partners the Polytechnic of Leiria, NOVA School of NOVA School of Science and Technology and NTNU Social Research (Norway).

Through the Agreement over the European Economic Espace (EEE), Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway are partners in the internal market with the Member States of the European Union. As means of promoting a continuous and balanced reinforce of the economic and commercial relationships, the parties of the EEE Agreement established a pluriannual Financial Mechanism, known as the EEA Grants. The EEA Grants aims at reducing the social and economic disparities in Europe, and reinforce the bilateral relationships between these three countries and the beneficiary States. For the 2014-2021 period, it was agreed a total contribution of 2.8 billion euros for 15 beneficiary States. Portugal will benefit with a budget of 102.7 million euros. More information on