Call for position: Evaluator(s) for an end-of-project evaluation of an EU-funded project

21 november, 2022≈ 4 min read

PRI, together with it’s consortium partners, the Hungarian Helsinki Committee and the Institute of Legal Research of the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, is seeking an evaluator(s) to undertake a comprehensive evaluation of the EU-funded project Promoting non-discriminatory alternatives to imprisonment across Europe, using the OECD DAC evaluation criteria (relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability), assessing the project results and learning as well as barriers encountered during implementation and any made mid-term adjustments.

Coordinated by PRI, the project examines the current use of non-custodial sentencing measures across European Union member states and includes capacity building and advocacy activities, particularly in the projects’ two focus countries, Hungary and Portugal, with a focus on the impacts of the application and implementation of non-custodial sanctions on minority groups and those left uniquely vulnerable due to specific personal or background characteristics or circumstances.

Drawing on data collected as part of project monitoring as well as additional information collected through direct and secondary sources and feedback from project stakeholders, the evaluator(s) will identify key lessons and recommendations for future programmes. The evaluation of project activities should assess their overall impact in view of their stated goals, looking at the relevance of their design, efficiency and effectiveness of implementation, as well as sustainability of impact in the focus countries and across Europe.

The evaluator(s) is expected to develop and propose their own evaluation methodology which is appropriate to the evaluation questions and the design of the project and its activities.

Duration and timeline

The evaluation is expected to commence in January or February 2023 and conclude in March 2023. The estimated days for the work will depend on details of the proposed evaluation methodology.

Gathering of information on project implementation – January / February 2023

Inception report, to be submitted two weeks after the start of the evaluation – February 2023

Evaluation activities and analysis – January / February-March 2023

Completion and submission of the final evaluation report – March 2023

Submission of proposals

The proposal from individuals/companies shall contain the following sections:

CV(s) of evaluator(s);

3-4 page proposal outlining how the assignment will be tackled, including a budget breakdown and proposed work schedule;

Names and contact details of two references;

Sample of 2 recently completed evaluation reports on relevant projects or using similar methods;

In case of companies, registration document of the legal entity and a portfolio containing information about similar projects and staff resumes.

For full vacancy details, including tasks, deliverables and selection criteria, please see the Terms of Reference below.

Terms of Reference – Project Evaluation

Please send completed proposals to Ms Tanja Dejanova, Project Coordinator Alternatives to Imprisonment in Europe by 4 December 2022.

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