The Conference Sustainability: Achievements and Challenges will be held on 29 November 2024, coordinated by Alexandre Soveral Martins, Carolina Cunha and João Pedro Rodrigues.

Call for Papers Guidelines

1. Deadline for paper submission: 24 hours on October 15, 2024

2. Submission to: João Pedro Rodrigues, Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra, via email (, with the subject “Call for Papers – Sustainability: Achievements and Challenges.”

3. Maximum number of selected papers: 6.

4. Character limits for papers: 30,000 characters, including spaces (papers exceeding this limit will not be accepted).

5. Character limits do not apply to: indices, cover pages, abstracts, and keywords, which should be presented in a separate file.

6. Graphic presentation criteria: Margins: left - 3 cm; right - 1.5 cm; top - 1.5 cm; bottom - 1.5 cm.

7. Papers must adhere to the Editorial Rules of the University of Coimbra Institute for Legal Research (UCILeR) available at this link.

8. Papers should be submitted in Word format.

9. Selection criteria: Originality of the topic and its relevance to the Congress theme, up-to-date bibliography and source knowledge, relevance of the issues addressed, soundness of proposed interpretations, internal text structure coherence, clarity, correctness, and adherence to ethical standards in the scientific process.

10. Results will be: accepted/not accepted.

11. Accepted papers must be presented by authors in 10-minute interventions on the day of the Congress, following the programme.

12. Expenses related to travel, accommodation, and participation in the congress will not be reimbursed.

13. The intention is to publish accepted papers alongside studies by other speakers, although organizers are not responsible for any delays or impediments resulting from the UCILeR’s activities.

14. Authors of accepted papers for publication waive any copyright rights to the same.