This is a project aimed at schools (students of the 3rd cycle and the secondary) in the municipality of Coimbra to address the issue of sustainable cities, educators, heritage preservers, inclusiveness…

Several activities will be held that start with a lecture open to students on the 27th or 30th of September here at the Faculty (auditorium or Chapel). The main activity will be the competition open to schools in which each competing group will have to create a work of art featuring what they imagine or want their ideal city to live in.

This project is developed by the Faculty of Law (UC/FL) and the UC Institute for Legal Research (UCILeR), and the working team is multidisciplinary. The scientific committee includes professors from other areas/faculties:

PROMOTORS: Faculty of Law / UC Institute for Legal Research

CO-ORDINATORS: Cristina Perestrelo and Fernando Borges


  • Pedro Pousada – CAUS – Colégio das Artes
  • Fernanda Paula Oliveira – UC/FL-UCILeR
  • Adelino Gonçalves – FCTUC-DARQ/CES
  • Luís Alcoforado – FPCEUC
  • José Carlos Mota – Aveiro University

Colocar os jovens a pensar a cidade é objetivo do projeto "Dia Mundial das Cidades - Direito de Cidadania e Cultura"

Ver vídeo (17 MB)